Frequently asked questions about IAE Angers

  • Where is IAE Angers located?

    The school shares its premises with the Faculty of Law, Economics and Business Studies on Saint-Serge Campus (13 allée François Mitterrand).
    It benefits from immediate proximity to the library and the university restaurant.
    Located in the heart of downtown Angers, close to shops and transport, IAE Angers also boasts a pleasant, green campus.

  • What courses are available at IAE Angers?

    IAE Angers offers a 3rd year bachelor's degree and 6 master's degrees (available in 11 courses), all specialized in management.

    See details of courses

  • What are the prerequisites for admission to IAE Angers?

    The 3rd year of Bacheror's degree is open to students holding a 2nd year in Higher Education in Economics and Management; to students holding any other Bac+2 diploma (e.g. BTS, DUT, diplomas from private schools or institutes); to students holding foreign diplomas and ordinarily resident in France.)

    Our Master's programs are open to students holding a third year in Higher Education in Economics or Management; students holding a Bac+3 diploma obtained in French higher education (request for validation of studies to be completed in the eCandidat application); students holding foreign diplomas and ordinarily resident in France).

    The IAE Message Score is compulsory at IAE Angers (depending on your country). However, there is no minimum score required.

    For international masters programs, an English test is required, with a minimum level of B2.

    See our admission webpage

  • How do I enroll at IAE Angers?

    Applications are based on a dossier.
    Licence 3 and Master 2 students apply online via the e-candidat platform. For Master 1, applications must be submitted via the Mon Master platform. (more info on admissions here).

    For foreign students residing in one of the countries covered by the CEF procedure, application is made via the Campus France platform (more info here),

  • Is it possible to work-study at IAE Angers (alternance)?

    IAE Angers offers 5 programmes in alternance mode. However, none of the international programs offer work-study programs.

  • What level of English do I need to take international courses?

    A minimum of B2 level is required if you take English classes (equivalent to a 785 score at Toeic for example)

  • Does IAE Angers offer internships?

    IAE Angers International programmes include an internship period. Exchange students, on the other hand, are not concerned.

  • What are the tuition fees?

    University tuition fees are set annually by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.

    For the 2022-2023 academic year, they are :

        175 € for bachelor's degrees
        250 € for master's degrees

    In addition, there are compulsory and optional contributions depending on the student's personal situation (€103 for the Life on Campus Contribution).